Saturday, June 6, 2020

Bavarian Alps, part IV

With a combination of mountain railway and hiking we went up to the top of Jenner and back down again to visit the Königsee. The landscape is beautiful once again. I recommend to start early in the morning, because it gets very crowded later in the day.

Alpine view

Mountain close up

View of the Königssee

National Park Berchtesgarden


We also visited the easily accessible but quite small Wimbachklamm. A lot of hiking in the National Park Berchtesgarden led to success, when we observed a large and very dark coloured Grass Snake (Natrix natrix), followed by a pitch black beauty of the same species and similar impressive size. I was very happy and I told Samira jokingly "Now only an Adder is missing". Less than 2 minutes after I said that, we actually found one! It was the perfect conclusion of our trip. 



Natrix natrix - Grass Snake

Melanistic Grass Snake

Vipera berus - European Adder

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