Costa Rica - Reptiles
Ungaliophis panamensis - Dwarf Boa |
Corallus ruschenbergerii - Ruschenberger Tree Boa |
Amastridium veliferum - Rustyhead Snake |
Dendrophidion apharocybe - Keeled Forest Racer |
Dipsas bicolor - Two-colored Snail-eater |
Drymobius margaritiferus - Speckled Racer |
Enuliophis sclateri - Colombian Longtail Snake |
Erythrolamprus epinephalus - Fire-bellied Snake |
Geophis brachycephalus - Costa Rican Earth Snake |
Imantodes cenchoa - Blunthead Tree Snake |
Imantodes inornatus - Plain Tree Snake |
Leptodeira nogrofasciata - Black-banded Cat-eyed Snake |
Lampropeltis triangulum - Milk Snake |
Mastigodryas melanolomus - Salmon-bellied Racer |
Ninia maculata - Spotted Coffee Snake |
Ninia psephota - Cope's Coffee Snake |
Ninia sebae - Red Coffee Snake |
Oxybelis aeneus - Brown Vine Snake |
Oxyrhopus petolarius - Calico Snake |
Pliocercus euryzonus - Black Halloween Snake |
Rhinobothryum bovallii - False Tree Coral |
Sibon nebulatus - Cloudy Snail-eating Snake |
Bothriechis lateralis - Side-striped Palm Pit Viper |
Bothriechis schlegelii - Eyelash Viper |
Bothrops asper - Fer-de-Lance |
Porthidium nasutum - Hognosed Pit Viper |
Micrurus mosquitensis - Costa Rican Coral Snake |
to be continued...