Friday, January 11, 2019

Camouflage Viper

My first snake photo of 2019: Eyelash Viper (Bothriechis schlegelii)
This species is known for its many different color variants. The most famous color morph is probably the yellow one. Here I had the pleasure to discover this well camouflaged beauty. The local people call this snake "Bocaracá". 

Bothriechis schlegelii - Eyelash Viper


  1. Great photo and nice snake. You obviously need good eyes to discover these snakes.
    Certainly the snake's good camouflage can make it dangerous, right? Is this species poisonous?

    1. Thank you Sunnygirl!
      Yes, this snake is venomous... so you have to be careful.
      They are not aggressive at all, still if you touch them (by accident) they might bite.

    2. Good to know, thanks Kevin.
      I hope you are very careful. We want to see many more great photos ;)
